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1) What Prompted You to Write This Book?

Good question! Many people and circumstances serves as the inspiration and catalysts for this book. Some I highlight in the Preface section of the book – but more than anything, I felt it was time to shed some light on how AI works and its impact on my fellow Black Americans.

2) How Did You Come Up With The Title For Your Book?

I went through several titles before I settled on this one. Hidden in White Sight came to me while prepping for a client speaking engagement. It derived from the belief that AI’s shortcomings are often hidden from people of color. The subtitle “How AI Empowers and Deepens Systemic Racism” came later. The original title was “Why AI Scares the Hell Out of Black Folk .”Publishers didn’t like that one as much (by the way – I did copyright that name also).

3) Did You Design Your Own Cover?

I did. At least the main front cover and the image on the back cover.

4) Why Did You Select Your Publisher?

This was a difficult decision. I initially started out wanting to self-published so that I could be authentic without the risk of having an external force inject their thoughts into the manuscript. However, after getting several offers from traditional publishers, I decided on Taylor and Francis mainly because I enjoyed my conversations with the publisher. So I chose the actual publisher more than I did the publishing company.

5) What Was The Hardest Thing To Talk About In The Book?

Since I’m working in the AI and technology field for a major tech company, I had to wrestle with what to say and how to say it. Finally, I settled on being as authentic as possible without fear of consequence.

6) What Books Did You Grow Up Reading?

Although I went to great lengths in my early and teenage years to hide my love of reading, I’ve enjoyed reading for as long as I can remember. Unfortunately, being a reader wasn’t an image I was comfortable portraying in my neighborhood and around my friends. Growing up in the projects and trying to preserve a non-geek (uncool) persona wasn’t conducive to being an avid reader. But to your question – Back then I enjoyed reading about slavery, Indians, and Sports figures.

7) Did You Ever Travel To Write Parts of The Book?

Yes, I flew to Miami once and wrote two chapters while sitting on South Beach. Those are the best two chapters of the book, for sure.

8) If You Had The Power To Cure One Disease – What Disease Would It Be?

Alzheimer’s disease: The thought of myself or any of my loved ones suffering from dementia is sad. It’s progressive and ultimately makes it difficult to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment and the people in it. But, in most cases, the person doesn’t have any other physical issues. For example, my grandmother suffered from Alzheimer’s disease and was the most amazing person I’ve ever met.

9) How Did You Celebrate When You Finished Writing Your Book?

I didn’t celebrate. Although completing the book was an unbelievable feeling of accomplishment, I just wanted to bash in the fact that the writing phase was over. The publishing and distribution phases were overwhelming, so celebrating the first phase didn’t satisfy me.

10) Was There Any Person You Confided in During The Process?

Yes, my friend and mentor, Tony Smith. I often confided in Tony whenever the book seemed overwhelming, or I just needed some advice about a particular chapter or concept. Although (In some ways), Tony and I have different perspectives on the topic; we share a common belief that technology is a Fantastic and Powerful Tool as long as it’s used responsibly.